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CE283 Surveying and Geomatics


Principles of physical measurements and error theory applied to transportation systems, including layout and design. Design elements and standards, sight distance considerations and earthwork calculations applied to horizontal and vertical alignment design.



CE382 Transportation Engineering


Multimodal examination of the planning, design, and operation of transportation facilities; social aspects and economic evaluation of transportation system improvements.



CE481/581 Urban Transportation Planning


Planning aspects of highway transportation including transportation goals, transportation forecasting techniques and models, selection between alternate solutions, financing improvements.



CE482/582 Highway and Traffic Engineering


This course goes into more depth regarding geometric design and operation of streets and highways, including planning aspects, traffic design and control, and highway safety. Students learn VISSIM and design principles.



CE491/598 Transportation Safety


This course provides an in-depth exploration of transportation safety, including statistical analysis (in R) and spatial analysis (in GIS) of crashes coupled with design treatments and countermeasures.



Study Abroad: Community Design & Analysis - Resiliency in Transportation Systems in the Netherlands
This course provides an overview of Dutch transportation with a specific focus on the coordination of public transit, walking, biking, driving, and other modes into safe, healthy and resilient multimodal systems. The course will begin by considering land use on the regional scale (e.g. urban growth boundaries; transit-oriented developments) and the city scale (e.g. mixed use and high density buildings; public spaces). We then experience the infrastructure that allows the Dutch to seamlessly transfer between modes when traveling between or within their cities. This infrastructure includes high-level street networks, fine-grained road design, and fun amenities unique to the Netherlands such as underground bike parking garages.
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